Home Articles d'interès Publicacions nacionals Epidemiologia d'EM en Alcoi

The epidemiology of multiples sclerosis in Alcoi. Analytical data

Frutos Alegría MT, Beltrán-Blasco I, Quilez-Iborra C, Moltó-Jordá J, Díaz-Marín C, Matías-Guiu J.

Servicio de Neurología; Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, Alicante, 03010, España. Aquesta adreça electrònica s'està protegint contra robots de correu brossa. Necessiteu que el JavaScript estigui habilitat per a mostrar-la


INTRODUCTION: The epidemiology of multiple sclerosis (ME) in the Alcoi area has been studied by our groups for many years. When studying the factors linked to ME in this area initially we observed that migration, contact with dogs and the textile industry were associated with the disorder. A later study, in which the migration factor was controlled, still showed a significant association with contact with dogs and the textile industry.

OBJECTIVE: To make an analytical study avoiding the possible confusing effect of contact with the textile industry, since this may be associated with other factors. We also compared the results of previous studies.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: We made a case control study in which each case was paired with four controls for age, sex and having worked or not worked in the textile industry. The cases fulfilled the criteria for diagnosis of ME. The control patients came from the Emergency and Trauma Departments of Alcoi hospital. RESULTS. We analyzed 37 patients and 148 controls. Significant values were obtained for smoking, low social class, chickenpox and measles infections when aged under 15 years, pneumonia when aged over 15 years and contact with dogs, sheep and dissolvents.

CONCLUSIONS: Contact with dogs was associated with multiple sclerosis in all the studies carried out in the Alcoi area to date. This is therefore a risk factor for the disorder in the Alcoi population.

Rev Neurol. 2002 May 1-15;34(9):813-6.





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